power by ending the
economy of Blackmoney
To make the nation a super power…
money is the first necessity. Only an economically
sound nation can be a super power, but country's
money is stashed away in foreign banks.
Present government clearly shows lack of will to bring back this black money to the country… despite greeing with Swamiji's remedy to the disease, government is not taking any such measure.
Swamiji Maharaj wants to ask seven questions from the central government through a signature campaign, in which 624 villages of the country signed, launched in the first phase of national movement against corruption and black money, under his own leadership.
In the second series of Bharat Swabhiman movement, launched against corruption and black money, an unprecedented rally was successfully organized in the Ram Lila Grounds in Delhi to mark the occasion of martyr's day of Chandra Shekhar Azad and the birth anniversary of Maharishi Dayanand.
In this rally, people from all opinions, religions, sects, intellectuals, ordinary and elite class of people, all in unison announced to fight against corruption and bringing back black money. On the occasion Swamiji Maharaj said that my fight is against corruption and I have also announced it too. I will make India a superpower of the world by destroying the black economy. In this noble mission, co-operation of all citizens is essential. I want that everybody in the country progresses, everybody gets respect and everybody gets to
get elevated status in the society. Venerable Swamiji handed over a notice to the president to eradicate
corruption and bringing back 300 lakh crore rupees stashed away in foreign countries.
All the agencies world over, working against black economy like Tax Justice Network, Transparency International, World Bank and retired officials of the World Bank and economist of the country and the world, unanimously believe, so far 11.5 trillion dollars of money has been deposited. Also, every year another 1.6 trillion dollars are deposited. A few Indians have the biggest role to play in this money. Also, another 100 lakh crore rupees of money is in circulation in the country as estimated by 40 commissions and parliamentary committees set up since independence. To witness its evidence, one can go to Tehsils, land registry office, real estate office,retail market and other such places.
Economy of a country is the biggest strength of any country and the most powerful economy becomes the most powerful country of the world. In India, infrastructure development is the biggest hindrance and the urgent need is of capital. This unaccounted black money circulating in the country and stashed away in foreign countries, is the money country owns. This money which amounts to 400 lakh crore rupees should be invested in the development of the country.
There should be strict laws framed against corruption and it should be imposed with full honesty. Without
punishing corrupt people with capital punishment, corruption cannot be stopped. There have been about 84 crore people living below poverty line and they are living a hellish life, full of hunger, deprivation, desperation,
and lacking any dignity. (This figure of people below the poverty line is taken from the report of rural
development ministry and survey conducted by Arjun Sen Gupta and Indian government).
We want to bring to your notice some facts about the black money so that there is no misinformation about it.
This 300 lakh crore rupees stashed away in foreign banks is not themoney on which tax is not paid. This is the money meant to be spenton the education of poor children,on feeding and treating the poor andon the development of the country.This is the money collected as bribery from countrymen, by abusingconstitutional position and authority by legislative and administrative bodies.
This is the money amassed by illegal mining of natural resources and sent to foreign shores, in an act of sedition against the country. Some of this money has been accumulated evading taxes. The black money has been collected by abusing constitutional positions by officials. This money stashed away on foreign shores should immediately be brought back into the country. In I ndian democratic system, only the central government has the authority to destroy black money floating in the country and overseas. We expect our honest prime minister to bring this money back. If he does this he will be remembered as a national hero in Indian history. Nation will be indebted to him. Otherwise the same nation will suspect his integrity. Because, committing evil is equally criminal as ignoring evil and corruption. Any delay in it would mean protecting thieves and corrupt people. Our prime minister, himself being an economist, believes that currencyrecall
is a non-controversial solution to this black money, then why doesn't the central government impose currency-recall and demonetize currencies of large denominations (100s, 500s and 1000s). People who have hard
earned money in these denominations should be offered a scheme under which they can change this money
into white money. When these large denominated currencies are taken back, then all problems like future
market, gambling, inflation, corruption, fake currency, bribery and terrorism will end on its own. It will also close shady businesses like using black money in election, hoarding, inflation and betting also. With this country will get a lot of money to be invested into poverty eradication programs. For this the country doesn't need to enter into any treaty with any other country.
What all is needed is the political will to act and allegiance to the country. Under the act of United Nations,
'Convention against Corruption', which was signed by 140 countries and adopted by 120, this black
money can be brought back. But why is this Convention pending in the country since 2006 and why
doesn't the government get it ratified by its cabinet and send it to the United Nations? Out of these 140
countries, wherever this money is stashed away, we can easily bring back this money under this convention. So the government should immediately act on this and get this UN convention approved in our cabinet.

We have sent a proposal for drafting the Lokpal Bill so that nobody can muster courage to accumulate this much of money again. You should pass this immediately by considering its feasibility and thus save the
Corruption is the source of black money. Until there are strict laws for eradicating corruption, sources of black money can not be plugged. There should be capital punishment for corruption, rapists and traders who adulterate eatable commodities. Also, fast-track courts should be established to dispose off these
cases so that money moved out of the country can be brought back and nobody in future dares to earn this black money again and brings disrepute to the nation.
This black money is the biggest loot of the country, in our history and in this century. Destroying this black economy and bringing back black money is also crucial because this money is invested in illegal means.
Poverty is the biggest curse to this nation and money is its only remedy. Black money both that is stashed away and also circulating in the country can solve the problem of poverty. If the central government does not act on these issues then it simply means that the government, Keeping aside honesty andtruthfulness, is acting in collusion with corrupt and black money hoarders. This would also mean that either this money belongs to corrupt leaders within the government or it belongs to people protected by the government. We want to protect India from predators in the form of foreign companies. We want an India free from diseases
and addiction. Also we want a country free form corruption, black money and corrupt systems and practices. So that this country may become a progressive and economically strong one. And administration devoid of corruption, black money and corrupt system would be an ideal system for an ideal country.
Unfortunately, so far those who have been responsible for development of the country are themselves engaged in destroying the country. Those who were thought to be running the government are in fact engaged in wide-ranging loot of the country. Protectors have become predators. Those who were supposed to protect the country are in fact selling off assets of the country. In the name of democracy, this conspiracy of looting and corruption should come to a stop immediately. The independence that was achieved after several sacrifices of Mahatama Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad and others should not be transformed into a dump-yard. Our aim is to bring the last citizen of the country to full education, good health, self-respect and self reliance by adopting means of nonviolence, truthfulness and honesty.
Unfortunately, so far those who have been responsible for development of the country are themselves engaged in destroying the country. Those who were thought to be running the government are in fact engaged in wide-ranging loot of the country. Protectors have become predators. Those who were supposed to protect the country are in fact selling off assets of the country. In the name of democracy, this conspiracy of looting and corruption should come to a stop immediately. The independence that was achieved after several sacrifices of Mahatama Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad and others should not be transformed into a dump-yard. Our aim is to bring the last citizen of the country to full education, good health, self-respect and self reliance by adopting means of nonviolence, truthfulness and honesty.
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