How cold makes our body virus free ?

Cold is such a disease for which no medicine could be found. Another big mystery related to the disease Cold is that excess use of medicine makes the problem even more complicated. Experts are of the view that it is wrong to consider cold as a disease. In fact, it is a natural mechanism which cleanse our body from germs and also removes toxic organisms from the body. Dr Nagendra Neeraj is analysing cold from this very point of view.
At the time of cold, speed of sneeze happens to be 100 mile per hour. With this speed, sneeze removes toxicant virus from our body. In some people, this speed has been measured at 174 mile per hour. This was the speed of the sneeze of Mr Geginold Colman. According to doctors, he is suffering from a special kind of sinus. In fact, an adverse kind of garbage gets collected in his nostrils which exerts pressure, resulting into a powerful sneeze.
Whenever he sneezes, people around him feel that a cyclone or quake has been triggered. Scientists are yet to solve the puzzle of such a powerful sneeze of this person. Cold indicates that the affected person's immune system has become weak and adverse organisms and stuffs have started to be collected in abundance inside the body. You must have seen that whenever you fall ill, you don't feel taste on your tongue. To stimulate your taste buds, you start taking spicy or salty food stuffs and your anger and irritation scales up. You have strong desire for sex in this stage and you wake till late in the night, which means you don't take suffi cient rest. Imbalanced meal, air conditioned rooms, lack of physical exercise or physical activities, breathing in polluted air which in a way invite the harmful virus and other stuffs to weaken the system of the body.
62-hour's life time: Virginia University's Dr Jack M Gwaltani and Ovan Haidley conducted a wide range of research on several communities and reached to the conclusion that the virus of cold infects the affected person through his or her hands and not through sneeze or kissing. If person puts his or her hands at a place where an affected person had put his hand then the second person will defi nitely get infected. Cold virus can survive for 62 hours even on dead material. According to a survey of US, cold takes toll on fi ve crore working hours due to cold. To address this issue, disposable handkerchief was invented. This tissue handkerchief happens to be of three layers and its middle layer contains such chemicals which prevent virus from entering through it. These chemicals are capable in killing hundreds of cold virus in a few minutes.
Rate of cold decreases with growing age:
Michigan university's Dr Ornold Monto conducted research on 10000 people for 11 years and reached to the conclusion that at the age of 60, the chances of cold is 0.5 per cent. On the other hand, in case of youth and kids, they often fall prey to cold because they have greater intensity to remove diseases from their body. People between 20-30 are more in contact with cold infected kids and naturally the former too fall prey to cold. Whatever it might be, in case of cold, taking medicines is a kind of foolishness as you try to block the natural process to detoxify your body.
Why not to take medicines ? :
Doctors often give you antibiotics to eat. These medicines not only destroy harmful bacteria but also to useful ones. Body's immune system had to encounter harmful virus and bacteria before taking medicines however, it has to confront the effect of medicines too after they are taken. Body was already full of poison and now medicines after destroying a large number of useful and harmful virus and bacteria, leave a large quantity of garbage inside the body. Most parts of the body becomes toxicated.
Michigan university's Dr Ornold Monto conducted research on 10000 people for 11 years and reached to the conclusion that at the age of 60, the chances of cold is 0.5 per cent. On the other hand, in case of youth and kids, they often fall prey to cold because they have greater intensity to remove diseases from their body.
The body is full of bad smell. In this condition if the patient is kept on only medicines and he could not get natural treatment, they he can fall prey to incurable asthma, TB, cancer, etc. This is the reason why when you feel cold be careful. But also take care of the fact that cold has come to make your body free from diseases. Therefore, do cooperate with it and help it to improve your immune system.
Medical science has invented many vaccines, medicines and other methods to fight against cold, however, none could triumph in front of it. When ever, you use one weapon against cold, it will develop a whole and insensible system to counter and nullify its effect.
It is said that at present the there are 200 types of virus of different properties to spread cold. The strongest and most effective among them is Rhinoviruses which has 113 species. In 60- 70 per cent cold cases, only this virus is responsible.
Method of treatment:
From treatment point of view, no English medicine has to be taken. Take complete rest and also give a rest to your digestive system. Keep taking lemon-water and honey for 2-3 days at an interval of every 2-2.5 hours interval. Drink as much water as you can. Temperature of water has to be nearly around your body temperature. If you fi nd it diffi cult to stay on Lemon-Water and honey, then you can also take lemon, orange and other such fruits of lemon family. Nobel award winner Dr Linus Pauling has advised Vitamin C as the best medicine for cold.
Taking fruits is enough to help you recover from cold.
Besides, one should take Chapaties of wheat fl our which contains ample quantity wheat husk, boiled vegetables, salad in lunch and only fruits in evening meal. You can take soup for 3-4 times also. In fruits, you can take apple, pear, papaya, cucumber, watermelon, etc and seasonal vegetables. Other treatments could be applying patti on stomach, emema and after 20 minutes, use warm water for bath. It is very effective in sever cold. Apply these methods for next five days. In fast, our body gets relaxation and all body system like digestive, absorptive and others get engaged in removing poison out of the body.
Virginia University's Dr Jack M Gwaltani and Ovan Haidley conducted a wide range of research on several communities and reached to the conclusion that the virus of cold infects the affected person through his or her hands and not through sneeze or kissing. If person puts his or her hands at a place where an affected person had put his hand then the second person will definitely get infected. Cold virus can survive for 62 hours even on dead material.
Other methods: For 15 days, practise Jalaneti, Sutraneti, Ghritneti, Kunjar etc. While sleeping in the night, take 50 gm mustard oil, 1 gm camphor, juice of half lemon, and mix them together and pour 10 drops in each of the nostrils. It is called Telneti. While sleeping in the night, apply mustard oil on palm and feet sole and massage them for 10-15 minutes. Before and after the Telneti, take steam on your face. In a bowl, add some neem leaves and neelgiri leaves and let them to boil.
Then take its steam by covering you and your bowl in a blanket or towel. Pour mustard oil in ears and also apply it on navel. In case of severe cold, fi ll your moth with cold water and sprinkle cold water on your face for 10-15 times. This treatment is very effective. Use of medicines prepared by Patanjali Yogpeeth purifi es the whole body and keeps you free from diseases. If cold continues for the next three days and you have fever, this could be a symptom of infl uenza. If your fever does not get down for 4-5 days, or fever or cold return after 4-5 days, this could be a symptom of sinus or pneumonia. In this condition do contact to a medical practitioner while applying aforementioned methods of treatment.
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