Issues Which could bring change in Bharat
The abode of god for everyone
Some recently held incidents in the country are based on the traditions, be it Sabrimala in Kerala, Shani temple in Maharashtra or an issue of a Muslim dargah. It is matter of satisfaction that at least on this issue; temple and mosque are on the common platform. Both are behaving in same manner with the women. For the information of the readers, near the grave in the famous Haji Ali Dargah of Mumbai, women, particularly who are in menstruation period are strictly prohibited. The same rule applies for women in the temples.
Obviously, this rule has not been framed by the God or Allah as both – male and female – are their own children. Such rules are prepared by human being, males particularly. Ask any male that you pray different god and had they been not born from any woman? Jesus Christ and Karna also needed mother and depriving such mother power from praying the god is how far a religious work?
Does the woman have no right to get salvation? Do they have no right to pray the god? People have
objection on the woman who is in menstruation, but is it possible to give birth or conceive anybody,
without a woman going in such condition? In fact, understand the meaning of menstruation. It is called as `masik dharma`. Now why this dharma (religion) is so disrespected? And clarify one point that if you hate this to such an extent, why you have placed Sita with Rama or Radha with Krishna or Parvati with Shiva in the temples? Had they not been undergone such a period? Were they free from it? Besides why our Muslim brethren should follow `Wahabi` sect of Saudi Arabia? If they follow it, means offering flowers on graves or praying it is like a Hindu act, while it is strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia. Now why I am highlighting these points? I want that all the temples or mosques should be opened for everybody like Gurudwaras or the Churches. If you say them as the abode of god, why there is division line between Hindu or Muslim, male or female, black or white, moneyed or poor? As far as serenity is concerned, the devotees keep it in mind. People, while entering temple or mosque wash their hands and legs. Why we can’t trust women? Now which woman will think to visit abode of god in such condition? We should consider about such traditions with open heart. Or mind it, the time is changing. In future only reasonable decisions will be affective and we will be left behind.
What is this dilemma?

Now they can not only perform nikah, divorce but can also give decisions in several disputable issues. They claimed that if women are empowered as quazi, it is good for women as they would talk openly. Many times, they face problem, talking to male quazis. The Muslim quazi could be much helpful to Muslim women folk to get justice. Now over 16 women have come forward, claiming to be quazi. But all their pleas have been rejected by imams, maulanas or muft is, who said that in Quran Sharif, women quazi has not find any mention. In none `hadis`, there is even slightest indication that the women could be given the job of being judge or quazi. How some women could become quazi of their own? They say that even if some woman has to be given the job, only Government or the Muslim Personal Law Board could do it. But my question is, why this objection? Why women are not
appointed as quazi.
In many courts, we have seen Muslim woman judges and even women have done good job as being
advocate. Why you forget Justice Fatima of Supreme Court? Can someone explain that if one Muslim
woman is appointed as judge, how it is harmful for the Islam or the community? Being shahar quazi is a normal thing. And if it violates the Muslim law, Muslim woman’s election or nomination as Prime Minister or the President should be declared as a `kafir` act. Now why Benazir Bhutto, Hasina Wajid or Khalida Begum were tolerated in Pakistan and Bangladesh or how Razia Sultan became the Sultan of Bharat. The begum of Hazrat Muhammad Saheb, ‘Hazrat-e- Ayasha’ had taken big decisions on justice or fought many wars bravely. We should respect it. It is right that around 1500 years ago, when there was darkness prevailing in Arab nations, when Paigambar Muhammad Sahib came for revolution. He taught the lesson of equality in male and female. Is there no need to take this lesson forward? In fact, the Indian Muslims should prove that they are the best Muslims in the world. As far as law is concerned, it gets amended according to the country and the period. It has the least to do with the religion or the spiritualism. Now Islam is not limited to Arabs or what was preached 1400 years ago. Without changing its fundamentals, it is important to make it practical. And this applies to all the religion and not Islam alone.
In every country flags of all nations should be hoisted
I really salute this young person of Pakistan. Umar Daraz named this young person is a tailor by profession and lives in Okara village in Punjab district of Pakistan. He has been imprisoned for 10 years. Now do you know his crime? His crime was that he had hoisted Indian tricolor atop his house. Why? Actually, he is a die-hard fan of Indian cricketer Virat Kohli. Kohli scored 90 runs against
Australia on January 26. After he hoisted the flag, the Police conducted a raid and he was arrested. He was presented before the court, where he was awarded imprisonment of 10 years, as he was found violator of Pakistan’s sovereignty.
How it is crime?
Now what to say section 123 A and the court? If a citizen is hoisting the flag of any nation atop of his house, how it is violation of the sovereignty of that country? Of course, he can’t be allowed t insult his own country’s national flag. Umar Daraz has not insulted the Pakistani flag. Had he hoisted the flag on Pakistan’s defeat at the hands of India? No. He just expressed his affection, which is boundary less. It is pity at the part of the court and the law that such a youth has been punished. I am eager to see the day, when all Indian citizens will hoist Pakistani flag atop of their houses and all Pakistani people, hoist Indian flag in their residences. Not only this, I also want that people of all the neighbouring countries of India should hoist flags of all the countries. But I know, it is not possible in my life as the leadership of South Asia is not so courageous, tolerance with farsighted as that of Europe. Their life is solely aimed at vote and note. They do not have time to realize such big dreams. But I wish that the life of Umar Daraz should be long so that his generation could see, such dream turning a reality. And it is going to happen one day.
The so called largeness of nationalistic elements
Th e watch of the Karnataka Chief Minister Siddharamaiya is in discussion. It is said that the watch
costs Rs 70 lakhs. The leader of Opposition Kumarswamy is making much hue and cry on the issue. Now the storm generated out of the watch issue has raised many questions in my mind. The first is whether the leaders should accept such costly gifts from others, as it is well-known that if a person gives such a costly gift , he also wants return along with the interest. After accepting such a costly gift , a person becomes pawn of the gift giver. It is a hidden form of corruption. But whether anybody
should not accept gifts at all? No, how it is possible as gifts are given out of pure affection, pure love or pure gratitude. Denying such gifts could be insulting also. It could be touted as proud or rigidity. But there should be carefulness, while accepting such gifts. Though, it may happen due to ignorance. Many times, heads of different states, Prime Ministers or Foreign ministers gifted me fountain pens and in return, I too gave them some gifts. But later, I came to know that the gifts given to me were of worth Rs 5 lakhs. Now, what was its use for me? For me, a pen of worth Rs 5 is equally useful as that of Rs 5 lakhs. To exhibit it on the pocket of the `kurta` look very odd.
It is more disgusting, when the leaders wear or carry such costly gift items be it shawl of Indira Gandhi costing Rs 50,000 or suit of Narendra Modi, costing Rs 10 lakhs or now the watch of the Chief Minister SIddharamaiya, costing Rs 70 lakhs. In fact, the leaders should evaluate their own price. If a leader thinks that costly shawls, watches, suits, goggles or cars add to their values means he or she is suffering with inferiority complex.
India is a democratic country. The world is heading towards more simplified, strong and clear democracy. Hence, a leader in the democracy should live simple and close to the people, which enhances his own personality.
Now what to say section 123 A and the court? Now, if a citizen is hoisting the flag of any nation atop
of his house, how it is violation of the sovereignty of that country? Of course, he can’t be allowed to insult his own country’s national flag. Umar Daraz has not insulted the Pakistani flag. Had he hoisted the flag on Pakistan’s defeat at the hands of India? No. He just expressed his affection, which is boundary less. It is pity at the part of the court and the law that such a youth has been punished.