Friday, February 12, 2016

Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world

Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world
The most ancient language of the world is Sanskrit while the most understand and spoken language in modern India is Hindi. Thus, Hindi could be said as the daughter of Sanskrit. Use of many Sanskrit words in Hindi, being it the easiest language in the country and the world and being spoken and understood in different regions of the world is an indication that Hindi has extended globally. Both the languages are our soul and respect and have a separate identity in the entire world.

Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world

As we recognize people to whom we had met earlier or seen them on some occasions with their activities, likewise, when anybody in any part of the globe speak either of the two languages, people assume that the person might be associated to Bharat. If you think deep, you will understand that Sanskrit is the language, which can’t be created by a human being. It has different specialties. The language is the most ancient language of the world.

We can say that all other languages of the world are originated from Sanskrit. The most ancient tracts of the world, the four vedas namely – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda are in Sanskrit. These tracts are the treasurer of all knowledge, science, `karma` and prayer. No tract in that period of Veda is written in any other language. With the help of all the sounds, vowels and consonants, being spelled by human being, it could be framed in`Devnagari` script and pronounced in pure form. The alphabets of Hindi and Sanskrit are the same, and it is the best in the world, in terms of its sounds. No other language in the world has quality that every sound is pronounced separately.
Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world

The ancient Vedas in Sanskrit language, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda, Arthveda, Shilpveda, Upveda, four ancient Brahmin tracts namely Etreya, Shatpath, Saam
and Gopath, six vedang education, grammar and astrology, all are in Sanskrit language. Six philosophies, Upang Yoga, Sankhya, Vaisheshik, Nyay Vedanta, Mimansa, Upnishad, Manu Smriti, Ramayana, Mahabharata, 8 other tracts, all are written in Sanskrit. Th e books were penned thousands of years earlier, according to the available evidences. Sanskrit may be considered as the difficult language but since the beginning of the life till Mahabharata period and even thousands of years later, Sanskrit was ruling the world. That time, the kings were also aff ectionate to the Vedic religion and Sanskrit. They also followed the suggestions and orders of the seers. Due to the Arya kings till Mahabharata period, Sanskrit kept ruling on the world due to its qualities. This language was not only the language of the Bharat but also the language of the ancestors of all the people.

Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world
But due to laxity in the teaching, studies and casual attitude towards the language, today, the entire country is suffering with illiteracy, superstition and malpractice. It is worth mentioning here that if a person reads Ashtadhyayi, Mahabhashya and Nirukta and other ancient tracts, he could be aware of the grammar and later, he could read and understand
all the Sanskrit tracts.

The grammar of Sanskrit has no match in any of the languages. In many universities of the world, Sanskrit is taught. In the 19th Century, scholars of Germany and England, besides many other nations studied Sanskrit and worked on Vedas. Similarly, Hindi was liked in many countries. Hindi may be considered as one of the easiest language of the world Hindi; you can express your feeling, sentiments easily in understandable manner. The Hindi verse and prose literature is massive. Maharishi Dayanand played an important role in decorating the concept of Hindi and its wide publicity and popularity. In the history, for the first time, he said that Hindi is a language of spiritualism and religious tracts. To establish the language integrity in the country, Swami Dayanand chose Hindi. He was eager to see the day, when Hindi could be established as national language from Himalaya to Kanyakumari.

Lord McCauley dreamt of establishing English on Sanskrit and all other indigenous Indian languages. Today, Hindi and Sanskrit have crossed their borders and Hindi has become a prominent language of the world. Many Hindi channels are being watched in many corners
of the globe. Since past 40-50 years, we have been hearing Hindi service from BBC, Voice of America, Radio Beijing and Russia, which has further expanded.

Hindi has increased its impact in the world. If we look at our neighbours like China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal, it is assumed that Hindi is the most spoken
Language, proportional to their population. So, accepting the fact has no problem that along with Sanskrit, Hindi is also helping in developing separate identity of Bharat on the global platform.
Sanskrit, Hindi helping to get respect, recognition in the world 
Many schools based on Lord McCauley’s education system are running but many others, based on ‘gurukul’ too are successful, where students talk in Sanskrit. This proves that Sanskrit is not a dead language but a well alive practical language. Many residential schools have been established in the world, based on gurukul system of education, which are considered as most important in giving proper education. Yoga, one of the essential ingredients of such system is established respectfully on the global map. The foundation
Of yoga is Vedic literature, written in Sanskrit language. Thus, the language base of Yoga is Sanskrit language and whosoever is associated to Yoga will read and understand Sanskrit. Now anybody associated to Sanskrit can’t live away from Hindi. Means, Sanskrit-Hindi combination, will, if not today, tomorrow help in identifying Bharat, its culture, values in a better manner and nobody should be surprised in it. We should avoid overlooking these languages.

The English language, since its birth failed to produce even one Rama, Krishna, Dayanand,

Chanakya, Shankar, Yudhishthir or Arjuna. But Sanskrit, Hindi and other domestic Bhartiya languages have gifted such personalities to the world. The future belongs to Hindi and Sanskrit. In the publicity of Sanskrit, Hindi, Veda, Gurukul and Yoga, undoubtedly, Swami Ramdev and his Ashta channel have played a very important role. Tomorrow, no one should be surprised, if Hindi and Sanskrit are established as the global languages. If indications are to be believed, it is going to happen in near future.


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