Sweet Poisoning Disease Diabetes
(Diabetes Mellitus)
Today India and China have emerged as the capitals of diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, the diabetes has assumed the shape of epidemic. In India, the disease is fast gripping the population and the unfortunate part is, it is affecting the youths more. The disease has stepped-in into the rural areas as well.
(Diabetes Mellitus)
Today India and China have emerged as the capitals of diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, the diabetes has assumed the shape of epidemic. In India, the disease is fast gripping the population and the unfortunate part is, it is affecting the youths more. The disease has stepped-in into the rural areas as well.

Now the cousin of this disease is diabetes insipidus. The disease is caused due to lack of Vasopressin
hormone, which is born from the posterior lobe of pitulary gland in which anti diaunetie elements are
found. With the lack of Vasopressin hormone, these elements are scarce in the body and as a result, more urine is expelled from the body. The relative gravity of the urine decreases and slowly 10-25 liters urine comes out of the body. Resultantly, the body becomes dehydrated. The situation causes excessive thirst and hunger and the body grow weak.
The disease is more prevalent in women as compared to men. The causes of the disease are primary
tumour, brain injury, meningitis, hypertrophy with megaloureter in gall bladder, infl ammation in the
urinator and secondary changes in the urinary genital reproductive organs. Though, the rise of Diabetes Insipidus is limited.
What is Diabetes?
Pre Diabetic Period – The situation, showing the initial symptoms of diabetes is called
pre-diabetes period. Normally, the pre-diabetic period continues for 5-10 years. The symptoms include apple shape body, more acnes, boils, pimples occasionally, spotted skin and increased blood pressure. The hereditary cause is also the biggest reason. Understanding the reason is the easy way to keep diabetes at bay, a life style disease.
According to the experts, lack of physical labour is the first step towards diabetes, particularly the pre-diabetes period starts due to unhealthy life style. In urban and metros, the youths are spending their life with sedentary desk jobs, more work-pressure, irregular eating habits, awakening till late night, late rising in the morning, and working till late night. This is causing hormone imbalance and sleep disorder. In young age, people are gaining weight, change in physical appearance, poor digestive system are the common complaints. Hungry for longer period and limited physical labour are the causes of pre-diabetic symptoms, which ultimately cause diabetes.
Diabetes risk score
• Obesity and weight gain, irregular menstruation cycle, more anxiety, tension lack of sexual desire.
• Loosening of skin near neck, armpits, ankles and joints at hands. Folds develop on the skin, which is called acanthosis nigricans in medical terms.
• Repeated boils, pimples, spotted skin, repeat skin related infection, teeth infection, gap between teeth etc.
• The people, who are below 35 years are less prone to diabetes. The threat increases between 35-50 years of age and increases above 50 years.
• If the waist size of women is less than 80 cms and a man is 90 cms, the chances of being diabetic are less. If the waist size of women is between 80-90 cms and a man is around 100 cms, the chances of being diabetic are more. If the waist size in females is above 90 cms and males about 100 cms, the
chances of being diabetic are much more.
• The hereditary family history, physical labour, dietary habits and life style are also important factors for diabetes.
• HBAIC investigation shows in three months that how body could manage glucose. This also reveals how life style is healthy. Means, if the blood test ranges between 5.7 to 6.4%, it is normal but if it exceeds 6.5%, it exhibits the suspicion of being diabetic.
• Fasting plasma glucose test also analysed the glucose proportion in the body and if your FPCT is less than 100, means you are healthy. If your FPCT is between 100-125,means it is alerting situation as you are on the verge of being diabetic. And if FPCT is above 125, means threat of diabetes looms large.
Causes of diabetes mellitus
In this disease due to CHO, deformity is seen in metabolism, it could be cured with the use of insulin. Its reasons, besides lack of insulin, includes anxiety, tension, worry, infection, carbohydrate rich food, sedentary life, modern life style, obesity, heredity, gout, syphilis, pancreas related diseases, lack of vitamin B. These reasons have direct or indirect relationship with the disease. Diabetes could be caused in any age but most of the cases occur aft er menopause to woman. According to ayurveda experts, menstruation purifies the body and hence, till menstruation the chances of diabetes are less as
the relationship of diabetes and menstruation is with the entire body
Insulin is actually a chemical, which comes out from the beta cell of islet of lagerhans in pancreas regulating glucose level regularly. Glucose is the sugar, present in the blood, which gives energy to the body regularly. We receive this sugar from food. Thus, when glucose level increases, insulin stores it in the muscles of liver and the body. Likewise, when the sugar level is low in blood, this insulin mixes the stores glucose in the blood so that the body gets energy continuously. In a healthy body, insulin does this work uninterruptedly but with the irregularity in insulin, other problems start. Irregular dietary habits, life style, tension also trap some new people, while others have hereditary problem means, in a family where history of diabetes is present the probability of new patients is much more.
Diabetes is of two categories
Symptoms of diabetes disease
Polyphagia, polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss and much leaner body.
Pathological changes in Diabetes Mellitus
When a person takes food, the carbos (CHO) in the body converts in glucose in the intestines and
absorbed later. This glucose forms glycogen and stored in the muscles of the body and liver. When the muscles work, due to the effect of insulin, glycogen mixed with oxygen to form carbon-di-oxide and water. Carbon-di-oxide is expelled from the body through lungs and kidney. In the process, energy and temperature is developed, which is necessary for the healthy body to work.
Gluconeogenesis condition

Three types of ketones
1) Acetone,
2) Acetoacetic Acid
3) Beta Hydroxybutyric Acid. Whenever we eat something, the body splits it as glucose and mix in the blood. The insulin hormone, produced by pancreas sends glucose, present in the blood to the cells
through blood, and thus we get energy. The body produces the same amount of insulin, what we eat as food. When the cells of the body stop responding insulin, they become insulin immune and the glucose fails to reach the cells. Thus,the cells do not get adequate energy and the glucose remains in the blood. This condition is called high blood pressure. This, in the long term causes kidney, nerves troubles, heart ailments, stroke, BP and eye related diseases. Thus, it is said that diabetes is not a disease alone but a group of diseases.
The dietary treatment in diabetes
In the diabetes treatment, diet is very important. Thus, a patient should take food to the extent, he/
she could digest.

In the diet the below mentioned foods should not be taken
• Sweets, sugar, candy, jiggery and other sweet objects.
• Rice, potato, meat, eggs, smoking, tobacco or intoxicants.
• Artificial sweeteners, which are also called sugar-free.
• Junk food and cold drinks, new grains, curd, sugarcane juice, sweet lemon, banana, pomegranate, sweet apple, sweet grapes, sweet mango, figs, sapota, turnip and beet.
Acceptance in food
In the diet the following foods are good.
• Mix bran containing flour `roti` (wheat+soyabean+gram, barley)
• `Charak Samhita` has mentioned that if a cow is provided ungrinded wheat, barley, soyabean and when it comes through the dung, pick-it up, dry, grind and eat after preparing roti or other dishes. It is beneficial for the diabetic patients.
• Use water kept in the utensil of `vijaysaar` wood 8-10 hours earlier.
• Stevia plant is naturally sugar free. Pluck its leaves, grind, dry and prepare powder. Make tablets of it, which is benefi cial. Its tablets are also available in the market.
• Take pulse of gram, kidney bean, pigeon pea and use.
• Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, luff a, parwal, tomato, pumpkin, cucumber, green chili, spinach, onion, garlic, ladyfinger, fenugreek, radish, bathua and other vegetables.
• Lemon, aola, jamun, guava, papaya, bitter apple, watermelon etc and all astringent juice fruits can be taken.
• `Haridra`, `daru haridra`, neem, fenugreek seeds are helpful.
• Unsweetened milk, butter milk, `lassi`, all are benefi cial.
• Extract of hibiscus and rubus consumption also treats diabetes.
What to do after meals
• Take 15-20 minutes stroll after meals.
• Quit sedentary life-style and don’t sit long.
• Don’t sleep in day after meals.
• Keep anxiety and obesity away.
• Don’t work late at night.
• Avoid the habit of sleeping in late night till late morning.
• Be positive in thoughts.
• Take meals at the proper time.
• Don’t eat excessive food.
• Regular yoga exercises, mandukasan, anulom-vilom, kapalbhati, bhastrika, suksha pranayam and other yoga exercises are sure shot relief giving measures.
Ayurvedic medicines and yogic treatment
Though, seek doctors’ advice before taking medicines.
Liquid medicines:
Shilajit, Chandraprabhavati, Suvarna Malti Ras, Guggul, Haridra, neem, aamliki pey, with doctor’s advice. In Ayurvedic medicines, take Madhunasni Vati of Divya pharmacy, Madhukalpa Vati and many other medicines. But the most important is healthy diet and then, medicinal treatment, only after which, the diabetes treatment is possible.
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